Ms Growing Girl,
Be Strong.
To your own self be true. - My grandma always said.
i'm on page 90 right now...the info is definitely new and gives me a totally diff view as to how i used to think of faithful and discreet slave.
i was thoroughly disgusted with the way the brothers handled the oral sex and leadership problem and the insight on the scriptures book...... still have alot of questions though.
Ms Growing Girl,
Be Strong.
To your own self be true. - My grandma always said.
i have been out for 22 years.i was raised as a jehovahs witness.
i was baptized in 1986 but soon after left the religion.
theres a whole lot to the reasons why i left, but i left.
I'm thinking about making a governing body hologram night lite that projects on to the ceiling.
My kids have one with santa's sleigh and ho ho ho. They absolutely love it.
extreme shunningthe gilmer mirror.
its time to outlaw extreme shunning in modern society by: richard e. kelly .
Gayle, Good post.
i have been out for 22 years.i was raised as a jehovahs witness.
i was baptized in 1986 but soon after left the religion.
theres a whole lot to the reasons why i left, but i left.
RE: "im only interested in doctrine."
This is my doctrine about jw's:
having this spiritual division between my wife and i over the years has been very draining in many ways.
so much so that i find myself more and more hating everything having to do with the wtbts especially when i just see watchtower literature.
i've kind of always felt that way but it's getting worst.
problematic, existential schmetzel
Males get effectively castrated at baptism. If you got kids you got to be a man. If you got a wife you got to be a man. If you want to get castrated become a jw and get baptized. nobody is stopping you.
end of rant,
(nothing personal bro)
no mention of them being mentally diseased or using "lies" to deceive god's people, just that they are out to attract followers for themselves!.
i was cringing at the thought of sitting for 3 1/2 hours for the afternoon session but fortunately my one kid got sick!!
Narcissistic dog and pony show.
having this spiritual division between my wife and i over the years has been very draining in many ways.
so much so that i find myself more and more hating everything having to do with the wtbts especially when i just see watchtower literature.
i've kind of always felt that way but it's getting worst.
"It's crap dude. We just point it out."
I think that's a quote from Outlaw...
having this spiritual division between my wife and i over the years has been very draining in many ways.
so much so that i find myself more and more hating everything having to do with the wtbts especially when i just see watchtower literature.
i've kind of always felt that way but it's getting worst.
If you are an upstaning dad and exemplary in every give the jw's more cannon fodder to lay in to you, isolate and seperate what i found. it was too much for me. Your a bigger man than me if you can put up w/ that nonsense.
I got fooled dude. I married a foreign JW that catfished her way to the USA. brought her mom and filed for divorce. I had no idea what i was getting in to. Those people are just effin batshit crazy.
like a first rate mlm scam the number one consumer of publications printed by the printing company *** yes you guessed it***the congregations themselves are the number one purchaser of the publications put out by the publishing company.
that is the lifeblood of any multi level marketing scheme is to make money off of the downline or upline or anybody that believes the scam.. jehovahs witness puchase the bibles and printed nonsense and that is the lifeblood of this billion dollar corporation.
if they stopped donating or buying this garbage the printing company would dry up in a matter of months.. the printing company recieves 9.6 billion of (not only tax free labor) but absolutely free labor each year based on a billion service hours.
The business model is pretty simple. Free labor. No Taxes. Launder real estate. Sell published crap to suckers. It's not rocket science.
do you observe this "joy" when you see witnesses going from house to house, in the kingdom halls, out working, or during theocratic wholesome recreational activities?.
" field service" is a psychological training of building resistance. It teaches JW's to resist people and fear dogs.
Like pavlov and his dog. Ring the bell and the jw starts to foam at the mouth with resistance to people and fear of dogs.
It's like building "social isolation skills" one day at a time.